Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Podcasts: Way to go!!

Pod casting is the answer to the fast-paced-fast-food-hurry-sick -mad-rush work culture that is a part of an average life in a globalized life.There's always a lot to do and there's never enough time.TV programs, Radio shows and internet videos are all expanding at unprecedented speed both inform and content.Its crazy to keep track of everything. That's where podcast come into picture.They allow archiving..organizing and retrieval at- any-time.Plus they add a new dimension by allowing comparison of the old with the new!

Podcast are more effective with discussions, lectures and tutorials.for such genre always need to be referred back for the details or analysis.

I have been viewing/listening podcasts on Academic earth and TED. They two allow me to keep myself updated about the new discussions, new technology and new debates in academia and in design and technology world. I also often listen to NPR to pick fresh perspectives.Certainly all this keep me more confident and on my toes when I write about them in academic pursuits.Plus they help me when I look for internship positions, participate in conferences and when I appear in interviews .They are a cool learning devices and are capable of provoking new debates and reviewing issues in new light.

Media providers get constant feedback and are able to track the popularity and public- interests of the themes they provide while audience are able to make regular comments , demand new content and provide their own insight to what they see, thus creating a new level of engagement and interaction.This is true communication and indeed a new wave, which go a long way!

1 comment:

  1. I would imagine that podcasts are useful for things like lectures; you can go back and analyze the important details anytime you want to. I also agree that the ability to comment on work is also an important feature because the producers can listen to what the customer has to say so they can improve their products/podcasts.
